Student Leadership

We provide student leadership opportunities for all year levels.

Leadership skills are taught and students are encouraged to exercise these skills in a variety of ways, both formal and informal. Programs such as Peer Support build the skills of senior students to support Year 7 transition into the College and targeted opportunities such as the Wagga School Leaders Program offer Year 11 students the opportunity to apply for a place in this community based program.
Leadership within our own community is a strong point of the College. We consider all leadership to be that which emulates Jesus Christ’s model of ‘servant leadership’. All students, no matter their year group, are encouraged to lead others in a positive and encouraging way.


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What leadership opportunities do we provide?

Student Representative Council
The College Leadership Team, in consultation with the House Leaders, elects the Student Representative Council, connecting the student body to College structures. Along with the newly elected College Captains, one Student from each House from years 8, 9, 10 and 11 is elected to the SRC, 32 students in all.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to serve a two year tenure, and demonstrate through an application process a clear understanding of their contribution to a framework of learning, faith and servant leadership. At Mater Dei, our Student Representative Council is shaped around the following goals:
• Educational – students develop skills in leadership and communication
• Democratic – every student has a voice
• Responsibility – students solve real problems and make real decisions
• Sharing – students share with the College Leadership Team, teachers and the College community in the decision-making
• Caring – students care about their College and what happens in it and to it
• Inspiring and rewarding – students experience enjoyment through successful participation
The SRC will work to support the initiatives of their Year Group, House and across the wider College. Meetings will be held twice a term at lunchtime and are chaired by a member of staff, and supported by the College Leadership team.
The SRC will initiate, plan and conduct activities that may promote and build leadership skills in the areas of:
• Building community spirit
• Health and wellbeing
• Environmental sustainability.
Social Justice Working Party of the Student Representative Council
The Social Justice Working Party comprises students from Years 9, 10 and 11 who have the opportunity to nominate for a role within the SRC. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to serve a two year tenure.
Areas of service include:
• St Vincent De Paul charitable works
• Social Justice Initiatives
• Green Team
• Caritas – Lenten Project Compassion
• Catholic Mission fundraising.

See our students in action

Student Leadership

All year 11 students participate in a Leadership Program in Term 2 and as a part of this experience, may choose to nominate for the role/s of College Captain and House Captain.
Appointments are made at the end of Term 3 and commence from the start of Term 4 for a twelve month period.
College and House Captains are appointed as a result of an election process.