Enrolment Processes and Timelines
Year 7 enrolment processes and timelines
Prior to the Open Night, the Principal visits Year 6 classes in local Catholic schools and provides Enrolment Packs containing the Enrolment Form and other information for each student. The Principal also invites the student’s families to the Open Night. The Open Night is also advertised in the local media and Parish and School Bulletins.
Open Night
Mater Dei Catholic College Open Night will be held in March 2024. Families are invited to see student learning in action, view the College’s excellent facilities, meet the staff and learn about the enrolment process amidst the warmth and friendliness of the College community. It is an opportunity for prospective students and parents to experience first-hand the unique learning environment at Mater Dei. Tours of the College facilities are conducted with time for music and refreshments in the Peace Garden courtyard and an information session to conclude the evening.
Enrolment Offers
In accordance with the Enrolment Policy for Diocesan Systemic Schools, Wagga Wagga, priority for enrolments will be as follows:
1: Catholic students from Catholic feeder schools or from parishes without Catholic Primary schools.
2: Catholic students from other schools.
3: Non-Catholic students in agreement with the Catholic ethos from Catholic schools.
4: Students in agreement with the Catholic ethos from non-Catholic schools.
When round 1 Application numbers exceed the number of available places, a Waiting List will be established.
The timeline for Offers of Enrolment is as follows:
• April – 1st Round Offers of Enrolment
• June – 2nd Round Offers of Enrolment
In October, correspondence will be sent to all families who have a confirmed enrolment for 2025, containing information about the Orientation Day held on the first Friday in December and the start of the 2025 school year.
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Year 8 to Year 12 enrolment process and timeline
For Years 8 to 11, enrolment applications for the following year are open from March to November.
Mater Dei does not generally accept mid-year enrolments, but applications will be considered on an individual basis should the student:
• be Catholic
• have recently relocated to Wagga during the school year
• have a recent school report that is highly commendable.
Prospective Year 11 students are invited to attend the Year 11 Information Night held in early Term 3. This evening provides information about senior courses on offer as well as the enrolment process and timeline for senior students. At the enrolment interview elective courses are selected for Year 9-12 students.
Information for enrolment
To enrol your child into Mater Dei, download and fill out the enrolment application, then send it back to the school.